Alleviate Dry Eyes During The Fall


As the leaves change colors and fall quickly approaches, the air gets drier causing the eyes to dry out. Dry eyes is a common condition that is suffered by many people around the world. One of the main causes of Dry Eye is Meibomian Gland Dysfunction. Meibomian gland dysfunction causes a blockage of your meibomian gland, and causes inflammation causing discomfort, and irritability in the eye.Tear-flow imbalance, age, side effects from certain medicine can also be common reasons for dry eyes.

For those who have chronic dry eyes there are many treatments available to help you to reduce symptoms, even in some cases fix the problem.

Below are a few treatment options available and symptoms of dry eyes.



  • Reddening of the eyes
  • Irritation
  • Increased rubbing
  • Burning sensations
  • Stinging
  • Watering
  • Foreign body sensation
  • Excessive blinking
  • Excessive eye rubbing


Treatments for Dry Eyes:

Artificial Tears & Eye Drops

There are several over the counter drops or artificial tears that will allow you temporary relief from dry eyes. This solution is only a temporary fix. Being evaluated to find the underlining cause of your dry eyes is very important.

Temporary Punctual Occlusion

This also a temporary fix if the ducts in the eye are draining too much the plugs can close the ducts to allow some relief. It is also used to determine if this would be a good permanent fix for your dry eye condition.  If so than permanent plugs can be added or non-dissolving punctual occlusion.


Lipiflow, which is an FDA approved treatment is a non-invasive, 12 minute spa-like treatment that cleans out the clogged oil glands using heat.Most patients describe the procedure as a “mini- facial” for the eyelids.



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