Making Vitamins Work For Your Eye Care

vitaminsVitamins are often recognized for overall general health, but did you know they can help provide eye care as well? Taking the time to start a vitamin regimen can help your overall vision care. Different supplements can improve your eye health such as flaxseed, fish oil, Niacin, and Antioxidants. Asking your eye care professional which vitamins will benefit you and your vision needs is the first step to establishing a good regimen.

Below are some of the benefits of these varying vitamins:

Flaxseed Oil- Flax seeds were first cultivated as early as 12 centuries ago. Flaxseed oil is used for several different purposes including treatment of cardiovascular diseases, inflammation, and as essential fatty acids with help many other conditions including eye conditions such as Dry Eye.

Fish Oil- The Omega-3’s found in fish oil can help aid in reduction of inflammation and help reduce the risk of AMD or Age-related Macular Degeneration. The key with Omega-3’s is the ratio in which they are used (Average Dietary Ratio 3:1 or 4:1 Omega-3 to Omega-6). Another problem is that many people consume too much Omega-6 and it reduces the health benefits of the Omega- 3’s. Too much Omega- 6 can cause your body to retain fluids, increase your blood pressure, and even cause blood clotting. The daily ratio is delicate and important when improving your vision health.

Common foods containing large amounts of Omega – 6

Sunflower seeds                      Walnuts

Vegetable oils                          Margarine

Mayonnaise                             Potato Chips

Tofu                                        Peanut Butter

Cookies                                   Crackers

Niacin (AKA – Vitamin B3)

Discovered in the 1940’s Niacin (known to many of us as Vitamin B3) has several great health applications including the prevention & treatment of Cataracts. The Antioxidants within the Niacin that are most beneficial to the eyes are called Lutein & Zeaxanthin. These are also the only two antioxidants found within the eyes natural lens. These antioxidants have been known to lower risk of getting Cataracts by over 30%.


For more information about eye health please contact our office at (310) 860-1900

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