Fit Food & Vitamins for Your Vision

A new year is here and many of us are thinking of ways to stay fit by means of exercise and healthy eating. We can also improve our vision health by eating better and getting the right amount of vitamins daily. There are several foods we eat every day that can improve your overall eye health. Vitamins like Riboflavin, Vitamin D, and even Vitamin K can help your vision as well.
Foods High in Essential Vitamins

Vitamin D: Remembering that you need a daily allowance of 600IU daily, consider eating the below foods.

• Fatty Fish
• Mushrooms
• Whole Grain Cereals
• Tofu

Riboflavin or (Vitamin B2): The average person needs at least 1.7MG of Riboflavin on a daily basis to maintain proper eye health and improve metabolism. There are injections which can help supplement this vitamin, however, eating them in your diet naturally is a better source. You can find Riboflavin in:

• Cheese
• Almonds
• Beef & Lamb
• Eggs

Vitamin K: The recommended daily allotment of Vitamin K is 80MG. Vitamin K has antioxidants that can help with age-related eye conditions over time protecting your eyes. Below are a few food items that contain Vitamin K.

• Green Leafy Vegetables
• Herbs (Basil)
• Chili Powder
• Asparagus
• Okra

For more information on vitamins that protect your eye health contact your eye care professionals or visit

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