Makeup Eye Opener

eye mascara
Mascara, a common makeup must-have is used by millions of women around the world every day. But the question is, do you really know what’s going into your mascara? Most women don’t. Commercialized mascara you see on the shelves are packed with harmful chemicals that can lead to deterioration of ones vision if you are not hygienic about it. The harmful chemicals are known to have synthetic dye and other toxic minerals. The dangers these chemicals cause when seeped into the tiny pores around the eye is irritation, allergic reaction and possible eye infection. A healthy alternative is to use a natural mascara whose ingredients are a host of natural antioxidants. The ingredients come from fruit and vegetable pigments that promote the luscious lashes commercial mascara uses without the hazardous toxins. The lash stimulating oils help relieve eyelash shedding and are also pleasantly scented. Some popular natural mascaras are called “100% Pure” and “Pure Anada”. Both mascaras are available online; the only difference is the pricing. For contact lens wearers “Lavera Long Lash Mascara” is recommended. Ingredients that contain organic oils, flower extracts and waxes enhance natural beauty without the harmful chemicals. Organic mascara recommended is “Physicians Formula” and “ZuZu Luxe”. Zuzu Luxe is a vegan based with organic formula proven to thicken eyelashes. Both of these mascaras can be found on Amazon. The importance of being hygienic when applying eye makeup is crucial during your beauty transformation. Not sharing eye makeup with anyone can save you from developing an eye stye and conjunctivitis also known as pink eye. The result of the infection in the eye’s lining, is itchy watery eyes that are highly contagious. Sleeping with eye makeup can also lead to irritation of the eye, allergic reaction and possible eye infection. Safely removing your makeup every night can insure healthy eye which leads to healthy vision. Below is a list of recommended organic mascara.


  • LUSH’s Eye Right
  • Lavera’s Double Black
  • Mineral Fusion’s Lengthening
  • Jane Iredale’s Pure lash
  • Josie Maran’s Instant Natural Volume Argan Mascara/Eyeliner
  • Pure Anada
  • 100% Pure
  • ZuZu Luxe
  • Physician’s Formula
  • Benecos Maximum Volume Natural Mascara
  • Couleur Caramel Long Eyelashes Natural Mascara
  • Organic Glam Natural Mascara
  • Zuii Organic Eyeliner
  • Lauren Brooke Cosmetiques
  • Inika

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