Dealing with Progressing Cataract Symptoms

For many of us Cataracts can be a discouraging diagnosis. Although it is a inherited condition and you may know someone who has suffered from it, the disease affects us all differently. Descriptions of the progression by eye doctors can be vague to say the least. Actually being faced with it can be more bothersome than described.

As Cataracts progresses it causes more visual disturbances such as:

  • Difficulty reading computer screen
  • Declined brightness of colors
  • Difficulty seeing in low light
  • Difficulty driving at night
  • Frequent prescription updates.

Increased blurred vision can also be an annoying factor in the progression. This can hinder your day to day activities causing you to feel more unlike yourself.

Below are some two tips to help you deal with the increasing symptoms:

Get plenty of rest:

Sleep helps reduce the strain on your eyes, as well as improving your overall vision. For those of us who struggle with busy work schedules, adding in a sufficient amount of time to sleep will improve not only your overall vision but your overall health and its function.

Increase the magnification on what you read:

If you are struggling to view your computer screen or books increasing the size on the computer or using a magnifying lens will help you strain less, reducing your symptoms for the time being. The more your strain your vision the more you can damage your sight. Ensuring your vision lasts as long as possible by reducing the amount of strain on your eyes daily.

When to seek treatment:

If you are noticing significant impact on your daily activities, such as driving, reading or doing tasks around the house or office, it is time to discuss with you eye care doctor the option of cataract removal.  Cataract removal is a relatively quick 10 minute out-patient procedure.  Cataract removal is one of the most common procedures performed everyday in the United States.  The benefit is improved vision and often the ability to reduce your need for glasses.

Be sure to report any new symptoms to your eye care professionals, and let them know what your day to day experiences are like. This will help them customize your treatment plan and give them a chance to offer you suggestion that maybe beneficial to you and your long term plan.

For a quick overview video about cataract removal visit:

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