Do you have Keratoconus?
Are You Tired of Your Hard Contact Lenses?

This May be an alternative!

Do you wear Hard contact lens for your vision correction? Searching for the right option to help you see without pain and discomfort? INTACS could be the answer. Since 1999 there has been several improvements in the way Keratoconus istreated. The use of hard contact lens could be a thing of the past for you.

INTACS has shown positive results for a replacement for Rigid Contact lens. INTACS are tiny inserts that are placed between the layers of the cornea to improve your vision. INTACS in combination with Holcomb C3-R®  have proven to give exceptional results for the treatment of Keratoconus and have stabilized the vision of thousands of patients. In many instances patients are able to wear soft contact lenses rather than the Rigid Contact lenses.

Even better these treatments help avoid the invasive and painful cornea transplant.

The INTACS procedure takes little time and has a quick recovery time. INTACS are permanent and require no maintenance unlike hard contact lens.  If technology changes, the INTACS can easily be removed or exchanged.

Below you will find some benefits of using INTACS:

 No maintenance
 Short recovery time
 Easy to remove & and change  [if needed]
 No feeling of the INTACS in the eye

INTACS & Holcomb C3-R®:

The use of INTACS in combination with Holcomb C3-R® has had a positive effect on treatments for patients with Keratoconus. Holcomb C3-R® has proven since 2003 to strengthen the patients cornea  stopping the progression of keratoconus. While INTACS provide more  comfortable in contact fit and improved quality of vision with contacts.

Both procedures can be performed in as little as an hour. With little recovery time and exceptional results.

Dr. Brian Boxer Wachler, MD is a renowned eye surgeon specializing in Keratoconus treatments, and other procedures. For more information on Keratoconus visit

Dr. Phil’s show, The Doctor’s , educates about Keratoconus:

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