Boxer Wachler Reviews by Keratoconus Patients

Boxer Wachler Reviews are giving positive hope to those with Keratoconus

Perhaps one of the best ways to understand what can be expected is to listen to a wide-range of patient experiences and Boxer Wachler reviews help provide comfort in having these keratoconus treatments.

Of course it is overwhelming to have any procedure performed on your eye. Dr. Boxer Wachler and staff worked diligently to ensure a safe, relaxed, and stress-free environment for my procedure. The only thing better than the secure environment provided by the Boxer Wachler Vision Institute, was Dr. Boxer Wachler’s technical skill and expertise. His skills would appear to be unmatched!!
~ David Knab, Boxer Wachler Review 2002 of INTACS® and LASIK after Cornea Transplant

About 20 years ago, when I was diagnosed with Keratoconus the only option was a cornea transplant. Eventulay, I was considered nearly blind and “needed” a transplant. Research revealed an alternative: INTACS®. After careful consideration, I underwent the procedure. INTACS® was PAINLESS and SUCCESSFUL, and the skillful hands of Dr. Brian improved my vision and saved me from a cornea transplant.
~ David Mathies, Boxer Wachler Review 2004, INTACS®

After 5 years of seeing numerous doctors without any answers, I finally found answers. Dr. Boxer Wachler and his staff were incredible. They look at vision holistically and have provided me with the gift of better vision. It is such a relief to finally have stable vision.
~ Judy Sieg, Boxer Wachler Review 2005, INTACS® and Holcomb C3-R® Crosslinking System

If you feel there is no hope, be encouraged because there is HOPE!  Keratoconus is a disease that a lot of people do not know even exists. Dr. Boxer Wachler performed Intacs and C3-R® to reverse and stabilize the Keratoconus and improve my eyesight. I was so excited and relieved that I didn’t have to have the cornea transplant! I continued to keep up with Dr. Boxer Wachler and all of the amazing procedures available for Keratoconus patients and four years later had Visian ICL done. Now I do not have to wear contacts at all! I can truly say that Dr. Boxer Wachler helped me to begin life again. We cannot put a price on our sight; it affects everything we do! Thank you Dr. Boxer Wachler for your diligent study in learning techniques and procedures to help Keratoconus patients like myself find HOPE again! I will am forever grateful!
~ Kay Kisser, Boxer Wachler Review 2005 of INTACS® and Holcomb C3-R® Crosslinking System and Boxer Wachler Review 2009 of Visian ICL (insertable contact lens)

They took care of me as if I were a favorite aunt. I am so happy. I have vision that I never expected to have again. This has so far exceeded my expectations. I feel like I have a new life.
~ Laura Hawkins, Boxer Wachler Review 2006 of Holcomb C3-R® Crosslinking System

I got to the piont where even with glasses or contacts I could not read street signs until I was very close to them. It was then that my doctor told me that I would need a cornea transplant. A cousin told me about some new research being done. She mentioned Dr. Brian. I went for a consulation and was blown away by the professionalism of the staff. Both procedures and their reocvery were painless and easy. About a year after the treatment it was determined, I was that 0.07% of patients who needed a second treatment with Holcomb C3-R® to fully stabilize my condition. The staff quickly brought me back without charge. Since then, there has been no further progression. I continue to be so grateful and I am able to see almost perfectly.
~ Laura Gallop, Boxer Wachler Review 2008 of INTACS®, CK and Holcomb C3-R®

When I met Dr. Boxer Wachler for consultation he asked me what my hopes were. I replied: “I would really like to see without glasses or contacts but if that can’t be helped, at least stop my eyes from getting worse!” He acknowledged my hopes and the Visian ICL (insertable contact lens) would give me a 50% chance of seeing 20/20. On my 27th Birthday I was seeing 20/20 without glasses or contacts. It was a dream come true to me! I couldn’t be happier!
~ Alice Tsai, Boxer Wachler Review 2009 of Holcomb C3-R® Crosslinking System with Visian ICL (insertable contact lens)

Prior to Dr. Brian treating my Keratoconus, I tried gas permeable contacts, but found them uncomfortable and I became intolerant to hybrid contacts. I like to ski, ride my mountain bike, hike and play golf – this was impacted by my declining vision.After all my treatments were complete I now see 20/20 – this was better than Dr. Brian expected. The first time I went skiing after the Visian ICL, IT WAS INCREDIBLE. I could actually see where I was going and not do it by feel alone.
~ Scott Macdonald, Boxer Wachler Review 2010 of Holcomb C3-R®, INTACS®, CK, and Visian ICL (insertable contact lens)

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