A New and Improved Contact Lens for Keratoconus!

Contact_LensContact lenses continue to evolve as enhanced technology expands manufacturing boundaries.  An exciting new system that continues to solve challenging Keratoconus cases is the Eye Print Pro lens.  Designed to align over every unique contour of the individual eye, this lens offers several advantages.  Increased comfort, enhanced vision and decreased or even resolved areas of redness (if misalignment from a current lens is the culprit) have been reported by clients.  Furthermore, scleral contact lens fogging has been reduced or in some cases eliminated.  However, if current foggy vision is occurring from a non-alignment issue, this lens may not offer improvement in this area.

To become a candidate for this system, a client needs to be out of all contact lenses for 5 days.  If this is not possible, we’d then move to the next best option, which is to fit one eye at a time.  After the 5 day break from contact lens wear, an impression process captures the exact shape of the entire eye in less than five minutes.  This mold then undergoes 3D scanning to create a precise match to each individual eye.

We are excited for this product as it is yet another solution to treat those with significant corneal disease and ocular surface irregularity.  If you are experiencing adverse symptoms with your current contacts and would like more information about this opportunity, please contact Dr. Weiss at (310) 860-1900 to set up a consultation so we can begin the investigation on how your needs and goals can be best addressed.

What Eye Conditions Could I Possibly be at Risk to Develop?

With so many eye conditions out there, examining your family history should be your first step to find out which you might be at risk for. You can be at higher risk for several of these conditions through injury, environmental exposure, and a positive family history. For those patients concerned, the highest development of many eye conditions is related to the genetic component, so reviewing family history is very important.
Below are a few common conditions to be aware of:
Cataracts are a condition that clouds the natural lens of the eye and progresses over time. For those who have already experienced it, they know that it typically progresses over years and eventually will require surgery. Generally the main treatment option is Cataract extraction surgery, which requires the natural lens to be removed and replaced with an artificial lens. In many cases, a prescription lens can be used to reduce or eliminate the need for glasses.
Astigmatism is an imperfection in the curvature of the eye. This often develops as a child or can be incurred by injury to the eyes. Astigmatism now has many great treatment options. Some well-known procedures to help improve astigmatism are LASIK, PRK, and ICL.
Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Age-related Macular Degeneration (also known as AMD) often occurs when the macula is damaged. How fast it progresses is dependent on the individual’s history and the cause of the AMD. A few symptoms of AMD you should watch for are:
• Blurred vision in the center of your vision field
• Blank spots in your vision
• Distortion of vision

Keratoconus is another progressive condition that causes vision loss over time. Keratoconus is a thinning of the cornea which causes difficulties with vision by creating distortion. It can cause you to change your daily habits, including being able to see to drive at night, and can require a cornea transplant if not treated in a timely manner.
The best way to avoid these conditions, or to be proactive in their treatment, is to have regular exams for screening.

For some other eyes tips on eye conditions to watch for, watch below:

Coping with Keratoconus: Night Vision

There are several reasons that our night vision maybe impaired, however Keratoconus is one of the most common causes of problems with night vision. We often find that it progresses over the years and just chalk it up as “old age”. This is one of the worst things to do, impaired night vision is a symptom of Keratoconus, one that many patients experience every night, and can jeopardize safety while driving.
However there are a few things you can do to help gain back some control.
Time Management: While this seems like a common sense tip, it is one that is often overlooked. This means to not only plan out your day but plan out your night as well. Even for those experiencing only minor night vision difficulties managing your night better will help you stay more aware of its progression and allow you to make harder transitions, smoother, and faster. If you are used to going out at night planning a few more daytime events or errands can improve your quality of life and lessen your stress.
The buddy system: remember when you were younger and you had to use the buddy system? This technique can help you with night vision progression by ensuring someone you trust is with you at all times, and catch the things you may miss.
Carpooling: Do you work at night? Maybe carpooling with come colleagues, or friends will help you drive less, and give you an opportunity to help the environment. This also ensures you are not alone at night without feeling like the odd one out.
There are several symptoms that patients with Keratoconus struggle with daily. Making sure that you are getting the best possible eye care and being proactive in your treatment can help you get through it. There are several improvements in the treatment of Keratoconus over the last decade, researching what is available and asking your eye care professional what your options are will help you stay ahead in your treatment plan.

Watch one young man’s story featured on The Doctor’s

True Testimonials

Oscar Tahada’s Keratoconus Treatment

There are many stories out there of patients seen by Dr. Brian Boxer Wachler but the experience for Oscar Tahada was memorable. Oscar was diagnosed with Keratoconus in 1995 much to his dismay they only offered him two treatment options- RGP lenses or a Corneal Transplant. Without hessitation he opted for the RGP lenses but struggled as many do with the discomfort of wearing them.
About three years passed and in 1998 they agreed to give him glasses at this time his Keratoconus was growing much worse more rapidly. It hindered him in his daily routines and gave him a lot of frustration. His passion for tennis also suffered when he found out he had to go from doubles to single because of his slowing reflex and ability to see the ball. He didn’t know what to do.
When he saw the ad for Dr. Brian Boxer Wachler he was hesitant to try it but was desperate for some relief. He received three treatments: INTACS, CK, and Holcomb C3-R ® and after traveling from Jacksonville Florida all the way across the USA to California he was amazed with his results, he said
“Everything they advertised, they delivered on” and smiling he said “ They were very professional, very delicate, it didn’t even hurt at all.”
The next day Oscar got his wish. His quality of vision has improved and now so will the quality of his life. So if you are suffering from struggling night vision, missing the things you love, or want results call Dr. Brian today: 310.594.5209
Here other patients talk about their experience with Dr. Brian

Do you have Keratoconus?
Are You Tired of Your Hard Contact Lenses?

This May be an alternative!

Do you wear Hard contact lens for your vision correction? Searching for the right option to help you see without pain and discomfort? INTACS could be the answer. Since 1999 there has been several improvements in the way Keratoconus istreated. The use of hard contact lens could be a thing of the past for you.

INTACS has shown positive results for a replacement for Rigid Contact lens. INTACS are tiny inserts that are placed between the layers of the cornea to improve your vision. INTACS in combination with Holcomb C3-R®  have proven to give exceptional results for the treatment of Keratoconus and have stabilized the vision of thousands of patients. In many instances patients are able to wear soft contact lenses rather than the Rigid Contact lenses.

Even better these treatments help avoid the invasive and painful cornea transplant.

The INTACS procedure takes little time and has a quick recovery time. INTACS are permanent and require no maintenance unlike hard contact lens.  If technology changes, the INTACS can easily be removed or exchanged.

Below you will find some benefits of using INTACS:

 No maintenance
 Short recovery time
 Easy to remove & and change  [if needed]
 No feeling of the INTACS in the eye

INTACS & Holcomb C3-R®:

The use of INTACS in combination with Holcomb C3-R® has had a positive effect on treatments for patients with Keratoconus. Holcomb C3-R® has proven since 2003 to strengthen the patients cornea  stopping the progression of keratoconus. While INTACS provide more  comfortable in contact fit and improved quality of vision with contacts.

Both procedures can be performed in as little as an hour. With little recovery time and exceptional results.

Dr. Brian Boxer Wachler, MD is a renowned eye surgeon specializing in Keratoconus treatments, and other procedures. For more information on Keratoconus visit www.KeratoconusInserts.com/fix

Dr. Phil’s show, The Doctor’s , educates about Keratoconus:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UJPr0694gA

Encouraging Early Detection of Keratoconus

Knowing your family history is an important step in early detection, and early treatment of Keratoconus. Understanding and knowing how progressed your condition is will help determine how aggressive your treatment needs to be. Finding the symptoms, signs, and your family history can help keep a better quality of vision throughout your life.

Taking care of your vision is not just important to you but it is important to your family as well. Making sure that you are comfortable and can talk with your eye care professional should be at the top of your list when locating the right doctor. Below are a few tips that can help you with developing a sound treatment plan for your Keratoconus and your life.

It is also important that you report all your symptoms and family history to your eye care professionals. They can help you with the diagnosis of several conditions before they compromise the quality of your vision.

Below are a few reasons to get early treatment for Keratoconus:

 Early Detection can improve your chances of treatment
 Early Detection can slow the progression of Keratoconus by getting treatment early
 Early Detection can save/preserve your vision
 Early Detection can give you more treatment options for Keratoconus

The doctors are a very important part of your treatment but so are you! Ensuring that you assist in your own treatment plan will improve your chances of a successful recovery.

Dr. Brian Boxer Wachler is an expert in Keratoconus Treatments.  He developed alternatives to cornea transplant.  Since 1999 he has helped most patients avoid the painful cornea transplant with treatment options such as INTACS and Holcomb C3-R® (cornea collagen crosslinking).

Patients fly in from around the world every week to have these Keratoconus treatments with Dr. Brian.

Watch a free Webinar and learn more about treatment options for Keratoconus: www.KeratoconusInserts.com/fix

Boxer Wachler Reviews by Keratoconus Patients

Boxer Wachler Reviews are giving positive hope to those with Keratoconus

Perhaps one of the best ways to understand what can be expected is to listen to a wide-range of patient experiences and Boxer Wachler reviews help provide comfort in having these keratoconus treatments.

Of course it is overwhelming to have any procedure performed on your eye. Dr. Boxer Wachler and staff worked diligently to ensure a safe, relaxed, and stress-free environment for my procedure. The only thing better than the secure environment provided by the Boxer Wachler Vision Institute, was Dr. Boxer Wachler’s technical skill and expertise. His skills would appear to be unmatched!!
~ David Knab, Boxer Wachler Review 2002 of INTACS® and LASIK after Cornea Transplant

About 20 years ago, when I was diagnosed with Keratoconus the only option was a cornea transplant. Eventulay, I was considered nearly blind and “needed” a transplant. Research revealed an alternative: INTACS®. After careful consideration, I underwent the procedure. INTACS® was PAINLESS and SUCCESSFUL, and the skillful hands of Dr. Brian improved my vision and saved me from a cornea transplant.
~ David Mathies, Boxer Wachler Review 2004, INTACS®

After 5 years of seeing numerous doctors without any answers, I finally found answers. Dr. Boxer Wachler and his staff were incredible. They look at vision holistically and have provided me with the gift of better vision. It is such a relief to finally have stable vision.
~ Judy Sieg, Boxer Wachler Review 2005, INTACS® and Holcomb C3-R® Crosslinking System

If you feel there is no hope, be encouraged because there is HOPE!  Keratoconus is a disease that a lot of people do not know even exists. Dr. Boxer Wachler performed Intacs and C3-R® to reverse and stabilize the Keratoconus and improve my eyesight. I was so excited and relieved that I didn’t have to have the cornea transplant! I continued to keep up with Dr. Boxer Wachler and all of the amazing procedures available for Keratoconus patients and four years later had Visian ICL done. Now I do not have to wear contacts at all! I can truly say that Dr. Boxer Wachler helped me to begin life again. We cannot put a price on our sight; it affects everything we do! Thank you Dr. Boxer Wachler for your diligent study in learning techniques and procedures to help Keratoconus patients like myself find HOPE again! I will am forever grateful!
~ Kay Kisser, Boxer Wachler Review 2005 of INTACS® and Holcomb C3-R® Crosslinking System and Boxer Wachler Review 2009 of Visian ICL (insertable contact lens)

They took care of me as if I were a favorite aunt. I am so happy. I have vision that I never expected to have again. This has so far exceeded my expectations. I feel like I have a new life.
~ Laura Hawkins, Boxer Wachler Review 2006 of Holcomb C3-R® Crosslinking System

I got to the piont where even with glasses or contacts I could not read street signs until I was very close to them. It was then that my doctor told me that I would need a cornea transplant. A cousin told me about some new research being done. She mentioned Dr. Brian. I went for a consulation and was blown away by the professionalism of the staff. Both procedures and their reocvery were painless and easy. About a year after the treatment it was determined, I was that 0.07% of patients who needed a second treatment with Holcomb C3-R® to fully stabilize my condition. The staff quickly brought me back without charge. Since then, there has been no further progression. I continue to be so grateful and I am able to see almost perfectly.
~ Laura Gallop, Boxer Wachler Review 2008 of INTACS®, CK and Holcomb C3-R®

When I met Dr. Boxer Wachler for consultation he asked me what my hopes were. I replied: “I would really like to see without glasses or contacts but if that can’t be helped, at least stop my eyes from getting worse!” He acknowledged my hopes and the Visian ICL (insertable contact lens) would give me a 50% chance of seeing 20/20. On my 27th Birthday I was seeing 20/20 without glasses or contacts. It was a dream come true to me! I couldn’t be happier!
~ Alice Tsai, Boxer Wachler Review 2009 of Holcomb C3-R® Crosslinking System with Visian ICL (insertable contact lens)

Prior to Dr. Brian treating my Keratoconus, I tried gas permeable contacts, but found them uncomfortable and I became intolerant to hybrid contacts. I like to ski, ride my mountain bike, hike and play golf – this was impacted by my declining vision.After all my treatments were complete I now see 20/20 – this was better than Dr. Brian expected. The first time I went skiing after the Visian ICL, IT WAS INCREDIBLE. I could actually see where I was going and not do it by feel alone.
~ Scott Macdonald, Boxer Wachler Review 2010 of Holcomb C3-R®, INTACS®, CK, and Visian ICL (insertable contact lens)

There is hope, watch an information webinar: www.FixesYourKeratoconus.com

Family History of Keratoconus

Keratoconus is a progressive condition and can be a debilitating if left untreated. Watching your family members go through it can make you feel helpless and useless in some experiences. You probably have many questions on the condition after watching your family members go through their treatments. In past years their were limited treatments for Keratoconus and eventual cornea transplants were needed for the patient to keep their quality of vision. This type of treatment had a long recovery period and often caused the patient pain.

Today’s treatments have improved a lot since then and quite honestly there is little to no pain with many of them. Patients have much shorter recovery times, and have a much better quality of vision without replacing their corneas. Still many people have questions when they find out a family member is going through a condition like Keratoconus. The condition can often cause a reduced activity level and sometimes have complications in their normal lives. A few questions maybe “Will I get Keratoconus?” or “Will they go blind?”.

While these are all reasonable questions, and having a family member with Keratoconus is one of the highest risk factors of Keratoconus it doesn’t guarantee that you will get it. It only tells you to watch yourself and your eye health a little more. Getting annual eye exams can help with early detection. Taking care of your eyes can help lessen your chances of developing these conditions later on down the road.

Below are some tips to reduce your chances of developing Keratoconus:

 Avoid rubbing your eyes
 Get annual eye exams
 See an eye care professional that specializes in Keratoconus
 Protect your eyes regularly
 Reduce stress in your life

Below are Signs of Keratoconus:

 Frequent Eye Rubbing
 Frequent Changes in prescriptions
 Blurred or double vision
 Halos or glares around lights
 Sensitivity to light
 Poor night  vision
 Dry eyes
 Squinting or Straining Your Eyes

There are probably many more questions you want to ask. Finding an eye care professional that specializes in Keratoconus is always best. Looking for one that deals with Keratoconus patients daily would be best.

Dr. Brian S. Boxer Wachler is world-renowed Keratoconus Specialist. He developed alternatives to Keratoconus cornea transplant in 1999. Patients travel the world to undergo his advanced Keratoconus Treatments. Learn more about Dr. Brian and his Keratoconus Treatments: www.KeratoconusInserts.com

For more information on Keratoconus visit: http://www.amkca.org/what-is-keratoconus#main

I have Keratocous. Can I go Horseback Riding?

If you are newly diagnosed with Keratoconus and love horseback riding this diagnosis may be a discouraging discovery for you. However being diagnosed with Keratoconus is not the end of the world. You may think because it is a progressive condition that you will have to give up the things you love, like Horseback riding. This is not true. Keratoconus can cause a lot of adjustments in your daily life but it doesn’t mean it’s the end of it.

There are several treatment options that are available for you especially if you have been diagnosed early. There are several stages of Keratoconus and treatments to help you at each stage. In fact there are contact lenses that can be prescribed that can help you through many stages of your Keratoconus comfortably.

SynergEyes Hybrid Contact lenses are a cross between the soft lenses you love for the comfort and the RGP lenses you don’t. The advantage is that they provide better vision than soft contacts through the hard center that is like an RGP, but with their soft skirt they feel like soft lenes. They can improve your vision while horseback riding without causing added discomfort, dry eyes, or irritability you may otherwise have with RGP lenses.

SynergEyes Hybrid Contact lenses have a thin sleek fit provides a better fit and decreases irritation from wind and dust as the RGP’s may do when you are riding. The wind can cause dry eye and more dirt and dust to irritate you will your horseback riding.  SynergEyes Hybrid Lenses also provide you with more treatment coverage. These lenses can be adjusted to fit you throughout the different stages of your condition.

Some of the benefits of SynergEyes Hybrid Lenses:

 Improved Visual clarity
 Improved Comfort
 Reduces the need for many treatments
 Lasts longer than most soft contact lenses
 Can be used in most all stages of Keratoconus (except for complex cases)

Important Facts About SynergEyes Hybrid Lenses:

 Soft skirt keeps the rigid part centered
 Allows layer of tears to form to correct some blurred vision
 Improved visual clarity
 Comfort for all day use
 Useable at most stages of Keratoconus
 Less irritability
 Several custom designs to choose from

Dr. Donna Weiss fits these advanced Keratconus constacts, along with other designs. To schedule an initial examination and evaluation call the office: 310-860-1900

For more information on Keratoconus and SynergEyes lenses visit: www.SynergEyes.com

3 Tips for Finding a Keratoconus Specialist

Keratoconus Patient

Researching treatments of Keratoconus is no different than researching any other condition. First you must fully understand the condition before you can go any further. There are several places that will give you the perfect technical terminology for Keratoconus. But the truth is you probably don’t want to hear all that. Looking for an explanation you can understand is very important. Just as important as finding a doctor who will explain it to you in terms you can understand.

Tip 1: Be sure that your physician is a doctor for the patient first: Don’t be afraid to ask questions. If they give you an answer you cannot understand – Ask again! It is your health on the line. It is important that you know what to expect and what is going on with your body, not whether you upset your doctor.

Finding Reliable information is a big step to researching your condition. You must feel comfortable with the level of experience & education your source has. Don’t be afraid to ask, or research them. This will ensure you are getting the best quality and the newest information available.

Tip 2: Be sure to ask for all your treatment options: No matter how old or new they maybe it is your health on the line. Be sure you have explored every option and are comfortable before perusing any treatment option.

Visit more than one office. If you are trying to determine where to go for treatment, don’t just accept what you read or what others say. Explore a few offices. Walk in, how do you feel there? Is the staff pleasant? How do they feel about you being there, are they open? Do they answer your questions without hesitation? Researching your treatment center should not be just about what you read, it should be about how you feel- and your comfort where you are being treated.

Tip 3: Be sure to ask about the staff’s experience: asking how long they have been there is a good conversation starter. Don’t just pick your treatment center based on your friends referral. Take your time and be sure its the clinic for you. Take an active part in your vision care.

Dr. Brian Boxer Wachler, MD is a renowned eye surgeon specializing in eye care treatments, and other procedures. For more information regarding Keratoconus visit www.KeratoconusInserts.com

Dr. Phil’s show, The Doctor’s , educates about Keratoconus:

Watch FREE Information Webinar: www.KeratoconusInserts.com/fix


Vision Correction in Los Angeles