Top 4 Benefits of LipiFlow Treatment for Your Dry Eyes

  • Have you been suffering from Dry Eye?
  • Does Dry Eye effect your daily life?
  • Does Dry Eye cause you to avoid activities you would normally participate in?

The LipiFlow® treatment may be a great solution for you. There are several treatments available for Dry Eye, but unfortunately many are only temporary treatment. The LipiFlow® treatment helps improve your Dry Eye at the root cause improving your daily activities, and increasing the quality of your life.

Below are 4 Benefits of the LipiFlow® Treatment:

Proven to Work: Over 76% of the patients in the LipiFlow® clinical trial, reported significant improvements in symptoms of dry eyes within 4 weeks. This means that many can resume their daily activities without worrying if their eyes will cause them pain, itching or burning. Dr. Brian combines his proprietary cream with the LipiFlow® resulting in 98% of patients receiving relief from their dry eye concerns.

Ease of Treatment: The LipiFlow® treatment can be done right in our office. This treatment is only 12-minutes, since it is so quick and easy it can even be performed the same day as your evaluation.

Heat Pulse Treatment: The LipiFlow® Thermal (heat) Pulsation System is used to add heat to the Meibomian gland of the eye. As we age these glands begin to become clogged. The natural oils start to crystalize within the gland, which means less oils in your tear-film. This is why your eyes feel dry. The LipiFlow® treatment unblocks the glands and allows them to start producing oils that lubricate the eye again and stabilize the tear film from evaporation.

Experience: TearScience®, the developer LipiFlow® Technology, has over 25 years of research experience behind them. Allowing them to understand the cause of dry eye and studying how it effects the patients, and how other products attempt to relieve the symptoms.

There are several symptoms of dry eye. If you have been diagnosed you know what they are, but for those who are not familiar below are some of the symptoms of Dry Eye. If you have any of the following symptoms contact your eye care professionals.

  • Itching
  • Watering
  • Burning
  • Scratching Sensation
  • Redness
  • Blurred Vision

Barbara discusses her experience with the LipiFlow® treatment:

For more information regarding Dry Eye or the LipiFlow Thermal Pulsation System visit

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