Making Vitamins Work For Your Eye Care

vitaminsVitamins are often recognized for overall general health, but did you know they can help provide eye care as well? Taking the time to start a vitamin regimen can help your overall vision care. Different supplements can improve your eye health such as flaxseed, fish oil, Niacin, and Antioxidants. Asking your eye care professional which vitamins will benefit you and your vision needs is the first step to establishing a good regimen.

Below are some of the benefits of these varying vitamins:

Flaxseed Oil- Flax seeds were first cultivated as early as 12 centuries ago. Flaxseed oil is used for several different purposes including treatment of cardiovascular diseases, inflammation, and as essential fatty acids with help many other conditions including eye conditions such as Dry Eye.

Fish Oil- The Omega-3’s found in fish oil can help aid in reduction of inflammation and help reduce the risk of AMD or Age-related Macular Degeneration. The key with Omega-3’s is the ratio in which they are used (Average Dietary Ratio 3:1 or 4:1 Omega-3 to Omega-6). Another problem is that many people consume too much Omega-6 and it reduces the health benefits of the Omega- 3’s. Too much Omega- 6 can cause your body to retain fluids, increase your blood pressure, and even cause blood clotting. The daily ratio is delicate and important when improving your vision health.

Common foods containing large amounts of Omega – 6

Sunflower seeds                      Walnuts

Vegetable oils                          Margarine

Mayonnaise                             Potato Chips

Tofu                                        Peanut Butter

Cookies                                   Crackers

Niacin (AKA – Vitamin B3)

Discovered in the 1940’s Niacin (known to many of us as Vitamin B3) has several great health applications including the prevention & treatment of Cataracts. The Antioxidants within the Niacin that are most beneficial to the eyes are called Lutein & Zeaxanthin. These are also the only two antioxidants found within the eyes natural lens. These antioxidants have been known to lower risk of getting Cataracts by over 30%.


For more information about eye health please contact our office at (310) 860-1900

Top 4 Questions Before Fortified LASIK

If you are getting ready for LASIK in Los Angeles or considering your options, you probably have many questions you need answered. There are several myths and misconceptions about the LASIK procedure and it is often hard to decide whether or not this procedure is right for you. The following questions and answers below may help you prepare.

Top 4 questions to ask before LASIK Surgery:

When you are interested in or preparing for LASIK surgery you probably have questions regarding procedure, recovery, or even how it feels during surgery. Below are the top 4 questions you might ask your eye care specialist before your surgery.

How long will the procedure take?

The procedure itself takes only around 15 minutes per eye. The overall amount of time you will spend in the office will most likely be around 4 hours for completing paperwork, signing consent forms, repeating any testing, and postop observation.

How long is the recovery process?

Around 24 hours after your procedure you will be able to continue your daily activities. Your doctor will likely to want to see you 24-48 hours after the procedure for follow up exam. After a week or two you should fully recover from your procedure. Most of these protocols are for your safety, and each patient is different so you will need to pay attention to the specific details provided to you.

What are some side effects of LASIK?

There are a few possible side effects from the procedure such as dry eyes, glare & halos, and some partial loss of vision which is very rare. If you think you are having any side effects it is important to see your eye care professional right away.

What are some of the benefits of getting the LASIK procedure?

There are many benefits of LASIK – the major one being freedom from glasses or contact lenses. Additional benefits of LASIK procedures are little pain during the procedure, ability to be performed in combination with other treatments, and has a quicker recovery time.

Priscilla grew tired of her itchy eyes and contact lenses ripping, so she couldn’t be happier with her LASIK experience. Watch her story:

The Doctor’s Orders To A Successful Valentine’s Day

As a kid I loved getting all those hand-cut, pastel cardboard Valentine’s Day cards from my classmates. Didn’t you love that? It put a big smile on my face, especially when I got a card from Leisl Herman, who I had a crush on. Somewhere between 5th grade and college the teachers sadly dropped that activity. If you’re reading this, then you’re probably no longer in grade school getting those warm, fuzzy valentines with the heart shaped crunchy candies. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have a little fun and smile around February 14th.
Get your smile ready. Did you ever think that I would also be a poet? This limerick for Valentine’s Day just popped in my head when I was working out. I had a wee bit of expert refinement from Pat Myers, “Empress of the Style Invitational” at the Washington Post.

There was a lass with eyes of blue –
Word spread of her dazzling hue!
At times she was taken,
True love was forsaken,
Now wiser, she seeks serious woo.

 Now that I’ve got you smiling, be sure to spread the smiles. Wish someone, anyone, “Happy Valentine’s Day!” Even better, then give ‘em a good hug. Hugs are good for your health. It’s all about human touch. In medical school I learned of a study that found heart attack patient survival in the intensive care unit was higher in in the group where the nurse held the patients’ hand vs. no hand holding. So hug away on Valentine’s Day!

Another prescription that I can offer is to have some dark chocolate – 100% guilt-free. There are health benefits to the melt-in-your-mouth stuff too:

1. Enhance Eyesight
2. Lower Blood Pressure
3. Reduce Stress
4. Lessens Risk of Heart Failure
5. Provide Sun Protection
6. Access Higher Intelligence
7. Deliver Powerful Antioxidants


Have a wonderful day filled with love, poems and, of course…dark chocolate!

A Guide to Cataracts & Treatment Options

For those who have a family history of Cataracts and know what the progression of this is like, you understand that Cataracts can cause problems within everyday activities and over time your vision can become severely compromised.

A Cataract is a clouding of the eye’s lens which causes distortions in the patient’s vision over time. Cataracts are a progressive condition that cause severe complications in daily vision. For those who have conditions such as diabetes and even heart disease, the condition can progress faster causing a need for earlier surgery.

F.A.Q. on Cataracts

  • What are the main types of Cataract?

Age related – Cataracts are most often caused by aging. This is the most common form of Cataract.
Traumatic Cataract – Due to eye injuries
Secondary Cataracts – Caused by those with Diabetes, Glaucoma, and even Steroid uses

  •  What are the Risk Factors of Cataracts?

There are several risk factors for Cataracts.

• Smoking & Alcohol usage
• Prolonged exposure to sunlight
• Conditions such as Diabetes, and other eye conditions

If you think that you have any risk factors asking your eye care professional will give you a heads up on detecting it early.

  • What are Treatments for Cataracts?

There are several treatment options for those with Cataracts. While surgery is the primary treatment for Cataracts, there are several treatments that can help as the condition progresses. You should know, cataract surgery is the most common surgery performed every day in the world and is relatively safe an easy 20 minute procedure.

• Change of Prescriptions
• Anti-glare Sunglasses
• Magnifying lenses
• Artificial lenses
• Surgery – Phoacoemulsification (Phaco AKA Small incision)

Watch an informative overview of Cataract procedures below:

Learn the facts between CXL vs. Holcomb C3-R

If you are still on the fence about what crosslinking procedure is the right fit for you, please refer to this helpful infographic.  Here you will find the comparison between CXL and the Holcomb C3-R keratoconus procedures. The CXL procedure is an invasive, surgical procedure that painfully scrapes the cornea epithelium. The Holcomb C3-R procedure is a non- surgical procedure that lets you return back to work the next day with no complications.

cxl vs holcomb c3-r infog––––

3 Reasons You Should Have Included Your Eyes in Your New Year’s Resolution

eyeWith the New Year just beginning, we often feel the need to change and do something different. Resolutions are the focal point of our thoughts but we seldom add our vision care as something we focus on.

Most people think of losing weight, quitting smoking, and other health-related changes for their resolutions but thinking of your eyes early can prevent many conditions from arising in your future and improve the quality of your life now.

Below are 3 reasons to include your eyes in your New Year’s resolution:


1. Discover the Benefits of an Annual Checkup:

When considering a New Year’s resolution maybe it should be something as simple as getting your annual eye exam. This resolution is a simple appointment that is often overlooked or pushed back. This one day commitment can help you prevent future problems and identify additional health issues you may have that have not been discovered yet such as diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, and even some types of cancer.

2. Avoiding Rapid Vision Loss:

If you have other underlying health conditions they can affect your vision quickly, like keratoconus. You may not even realize it until it is too late. Getting an annual or bi-annual eye exam can lead to early detection of these problems and prevent them from getting worse.

3. Improving Your Quality of Vision:

There are several new treatments for various eye conditions that can improve your overall quality of vision. Treatments like Fortified LASIK, PRK, Visian ICL, CK and RejuvaVision can improve your quality of vision, and reduce or eliminate your dependence on glasses and/or contact lenses.

Common Symptoms of Eye Conditions:

  • Frequent Changes in Prescriptions
  • Blurred Vision
  • Frequent Rubbing of the Eye
  • Halos/Glares Around Lights
  • Poor or Decreasing Night Vision
  • Eye Pain
  • Dry Eyes

To hear Dr. Brian talk with Dr. Drew about these and more conditions on his daytime T.V. show Lifechangers:

Discovering the Benefits of CK for Improving Reading Vision

Conductive Keratoplasty (known as CK) has many benefits for those who are trying to explore vision correction to improve reading vision. CK uses radio waves to reshape the cornea instead of a laser. This is a non-invasive procedure that helps those with Farsightedness, Nearsightedness, and even with those who have Keratoconus at many stages.

Farsightedness (also known as Hyperopia) is a condition that prevents the patient from seeing clearly at close range. The cornea is typically a sphere shape, but sometimes there is damage or it becomes irregular which prevents the patient from seeing images properly. There are many treatments available to help improve the vision of the patient. Those who are compatible can reduce the irregularity of the cornea with this non-invasive procedure.

Below are some more benefits of the CK procedure:

There are many benefits to having the CK procedure performed. This noninvasive procedure provides the patient with a quick recovery and helps improve reading vision. Please read below to see some other benefits of the CK procedure:

  • Little to no pain
  •  Quick recovery time
  • Increased quality of vision
  • Procedure can be done in the doctor’s office
  • No overnight hospital stays (outpatient)
  • Patient may have freedom from glasses or contact lenses
  • Procedure can be done in combination with other procedures

The CK procedure is quick and effective for those looking to improve their overall quality of life as well as their quality of vision. If you are tired of wearing your glasses or contact lenses and would like to see if the procedure is a fit for you, contact your eye care professional.

Hear how CK helped Marilee, a criminal defense attorney:

A New and Improved Contact Lens for Keratoconus!

Contact_LensContact lenses continue to evolve as enhanced technology expands manufacturing boundaries.  An exciting new system that continues to solve challenging Keratoconus cases is the Eye Print Pro lens.  Designed to align over every unique contour of the individual eye, this lens offers several advantages.  Increased comfort, enhanced vision and decreased or even resolved areas of redness (if misalignment from a current lens is the culprit) have been reported by clients.  Furthermore, scleral contact lens fogging has been reduced or in some cases eliminated.  However, if current foggy vision is occurring from a non-alignment issue, this lens may not offer improvement in this area.

To become a candidate for this system, a client needs to be out of all contact lenses for 5 days.  If this is not possible, we’d then move to the next best option, which is to fit one eye at a time.  After the 5 day break from contact lens wear, an impression process captures the exact shape of the entire eye in less than five minutes.  This mold then undergoes 3D scanning to create a precise match to each individual eye.

We are excited for this product as it is yet another solution to treat those with significant corneal disease and ocular surface irregularity.  If you are experiencing adverse symptoms with your current contacts and would like more information about this opportunity, please contact Dr. Weiss at (310) 860-1900 to set up a consultation so we can begin the investigation on how your needs and goals can be best addressed.

One Year Anniversary of My Mom’s Passing

My mom and me at Vision AwardsSomeone once remarked, “You won’t remember what people said, but you will never forget how they made you feel.”  My mom made me feel confident, unconditionally loved, a love for animals, special, lucky, a love for family, safe, and responsible.


Here’s an example of how she made me feel confident like a superhero.  As a kid when I picked a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle or a complex model airplane to build, she never said, “That’s too advanced” or “you can’t do that”.  She nurtured me with “Wow!  You can do it.”  And that enabled me to do it.  She always made me feel confident.


My mom made me feel unconditionally loved.  I used to wear dorky glasses as a kid – remember that kind?  Of course the “four eyes” name calling soon followed.  My grandpa in Cincinnati, who was a Golden Gloves boxing champion, taught me how to fight and my parents explained that ancient Chinese proverb about sticks and stones may break your bones but names will never harm you. I know it’s not really Chinese, but probably just as old.  My parents said I should never get physical unless I needed to defend myself.  I had a several defensive fights growing up, but there was one boy who always verbally bullied me for many years and I always ignored him.  One time in 6th grade I was playing basketball at lunch and he slapped the ball from my hands so hard that it bounced up and hit my chin which caused quite a jolt.  If they had NBA-style flagrant fouls in 6th grade, this would’ve been one.  That was the final straw and I pummeled the guy until they pulled me off him and woke him up with smelling salts.   I understandably got in trouble at school and of course my mom was called – that was an “Uh oh!” moment. You know that feeling of impending parental doom.  When I got home and walked through the front door, she looked at me and then smiled knowing that the underdog had delivered justice against the bully.  She hugged me hard and kissed me as an expression of her unconditional love.


My mom made me feel special through her generosity.  When I was in college, my mom was in her 40s and she was yearning for memories of her childhood.  Yup, you guessed it – it was a mid-life crisis.  She asked me to help her buy a late 1950s Nash Metropolitan just like the one she drove as a teenager in Cincinnati, Ohio.  I had some experience with old cars and I helped her get a 1958 black and white Metropolitan.  I took the bus during my first year at UCLA.  In the summer she said, “Brian, you really need to have car.  Go ahead and take my Metropolitan.”  That became my daily driver for the following 3 years of college thanks to her….and I still have it!  She knew how to make me feel special.


She made me feel a love for family.  She would do anything for her family.  I can’t even try to count how many baseball games she schlepped her three sons to or how many times she took my brothers and me to Cincinnati to spend time with her family there.  I also have a deep love of family in large part because of my mom.


She made me feel lucky as she seemed to always come swooping down to rescue me just at the right moment.  In Franklin Elementary School in Santa Monica for some reason I never wanted to use the school bathrooms and would “hold it” until I walked home.  Well, one day I must’ve drank too much water.  I was half-way home and then it started.  You know that feeling of an ever expanding bladder.  So there I a few blocks from home – held up at a red light.  The balloon in my pelvis kept expanding.   I bared down with all my might, but alas, it was in vain. My mini-pelvic floor muscles were no match against the liquid.  I felt that unmistakable sensation of warmth streaming down my right leg that etched a dark vertical line all the way down the length of my brown Toughskins pants.  My nightmare though wasn’t over.  I looked down in horror to observe the concrete slowly darkening as a wet circle spread out from the epicenter of my right foot.   I faced the most embarrassing moment of my life:  walking home with obviously soiled clothes.  Just then my mom pulled up to the street corner in her car and rolled down the window and saved me with, “Hi Brian, would you like a ride home?”  That is one example of how she always made me feel lucky.



My mom made me feel responsible for my actions.  My mom and dad subscribed to the parenting philosophy of “Natural Consequences” for children, largely taught from the book “Children: The Challenge” which Selina and I also use with our girls.  Here’s an example of “Natural Consequences”:  as young boy I would burst her bedroom door wide open while she was sleeping like a log and yell “Batman! Batman! Batman!”  She was constantly sleep-deprived because of me.  Despite all her scolding, I kept up my ritual.  A good friend gave her the idea of how to deal with me and here’s what happened.  Like clockwork the next morning I threw her door open with “Batman! Batman!  Batman!”  She acted out what happened next.  She sleepily put on her nightgown and made her coffee and just sat at the breakfast table faking to be in a daze.  I said, “Mommy, where’s my breakfast?”  She said, “Brian, I didn’t get a full night sleep and I’m just too tired to make breakfast.”  So I went without breakfast that day and guess what?  I never again woke her up early.  Through my childhood and early adulthood, she made me feel responsible and she prepared me for the path of life.


While I won’t remember many of her exact words, I will always remember how she made me feel.  I would not be who I am today without my mom.

What I Learned Rowing In A Brutal 4-Day Regatta



A few days ago I finished competing in the USRowing Masters National Championships on a lake outside of Boston in the sizzling August heat as my wife and twin 10-year old daughters were there to support me.  My prior rowing career could have never prepared me for what I just experienced.  I raced in college at UCLA and Edinburgh University in Scotland in 4-man and 8-man boats.  After a nearly 20 year hiatus I finally got back to rowing about six years ago with the same mindset of competing again.   I learned how to scull (rowing alone in a skinny boat with two oars) as it was immensely easier to coordinate with the guy in the mirror versus seven other people at this stage in life.


I competed in my first Masters Nationals Championships a year later in the single scull and won bronze.  I had never before been to this national regatta and had no idea of what to expect.  I was surprised and pleased with the result.    After that I was invited to row in an 8-man boat from San Diego Rowing Club in the famed Head of the Charles regatta in Boston.  Back at UCLA I had only heard of it since we never traveled there for the race.  I found my sculling training translated to being a better rower in the team boats.  And after a couple of years competing we did well to the point of winning a medal at that regatta – no easy feat.


Last year the crew that myself and a number of guys from San Diego were supposed to be a part of decided to go a different route and we found ourselves a crew without a rowing club for the Head of the Charles regatta.  I had been training hard all summer when that news arrived just a couple of weeks before the event.   My stomach turned.  A quick call from a crew-mate to Lesleh Anderson Wright, a former coxswain from the Canadian Olympic rowing team, to see if Chinook Performance Racing might be willing to attempt to get us a lottery spot provided a glimmer of hope. This regatta is probably the most competitive and hardest to gain acceptance to race.  It is hands-down one of the most watched rowing events in the world with 400,000+ spectators crowded up and down the 3-mile course on the banks of the Charles River in Boston.   We were entered under Chinook, but our acceptance would come down to being selected by a lottery.  We waited. Then we waited some more.  Would months of summer training have been in vain?  We continued to wait to hear if we got in.  We did!


The Head of the Charles has many categories of events with 40-50 entries per category.  As a result, the boats fire off in single file line and the faster boats will catch and pass the slower boats.  It’s not like a sprint that you may have seen at the Rio Olympics where the boats line up on a starting line and race to the finish.  The river isn’t wide enough for that.  As a new entry, we lost our prior position near the start of the pack and were near the very end of the boat line up with slower boats from the prior year race.    When we blasted past the starting line we overtook the boat in front of us almost immediately.  Then something happened that I had never experienced.  We came roaring up to two boats where one was in the midst of overtaking another boat.  As we approached them, Demitra Good, our coxswain (the person who steers and is our eyes and ears), told us what we were approaching:  two boats next to each other.  She yelled, “We’re going to split them and go right up the middle!”  She hollered to both coxswains to move aside as we were overtaking (which means we have the right of way).  They must have moved further apart because the next thing I noticed from my peripheral vision was two other 8-man boats, one on each side of us, come into view.  Then they seemed to fall behind us and disappear like we had jumped to hyperspace in Star Wars. It was incredible to “split” two boats like that without a single clash of oars with either boat.  That was a surgical steering job from our coxswain.   We passed many more boats and due to congestion at one point we had to stop rowing to avoid a boat collision.  In the end we finished as the 9th fastest crew in our race from our initial starting position #51.


Last weekend I rowed with Chinook Performance Racing at the 4-day USRowing Masters National Championships.  Each race was 1,000 meter “sprint” which can last between 3 minutes to 5 minutes depending on type of boat, # of rowers, and wind conditions. Here the boats are lined up and it’s the first to the finish line.  On the first day I had my single scull race.  It was a heat and the top three would go to the semifinal and top three go to the final.  I came in third in my first Masters Nationals in the final and in my second Masters Nationals I got through to the final but the final race was cancelled due to thunderstorms.  I had trained hard and had high expectations.  In my heat of the single scull, I had a bad day and didn’t even qualify for the semifinal.  I was bummed.  I explained to my daughters that the most important thing was that I had prepared and followed a training program and never quit along the way because I didn’t feel like doimg it.  It was a good teaching moment.  But there was more racing to come.


I had the following day off and the next day I was in two racing crews:   8-man boat and mixed quad sculls (2 women and 2 men each person rowing with two oars).   The 8-man boat started at a semifinal and we qualified for the final.  In the final we won gold by less than one second.  It was a barn-burner of a race and Lesleh was our coxswain whose years of expertise was apparent.  In the mixed quad, we progressed nicely from the heat to the semifinal then to the final.  In the final sprint we were in bronze position when one of our crewmates had an oar problem that slowed us down and we ended up fifth.  I wasn’t disappointed.  For me it was more important to reassure my boat mate that early in everyone’s rowing career (this person had only been rowing a year) this kinda thing happens.   I explained, “At next year’s Masters Nationals you will have twice the experience and will be improved by light years – as happens during everyone’s learning curve of rowing.”  My crewmate was reassured and that was more important than a piece of metal.  After five races I felt remarkably good as I had developed a recovery ritual that I do after every race in preparation to put my body through the grind of another 1,000 meter race again.  It seemed to work.


There was an amazing comradery that I discovered at our Chinook tent which was like base camp at Everest only much hotter since it was Massachusetts in August.   There were 70+ rowers, women and men, who had their own races.  Everyone was recovering from her or his own races using their own ritual.  Perhaps the most important thing about rowing is relationships.  It is what Chinook’s foundation is.  The four women who started the team, Lesleh Wright Anderson, Nancy Dynan, Deb Davis, and Merida Scully were friends first and a rowing crew (in some way shape or form) second.  Their relationship to each other bears a lot of weight on each and every crew they race in together.  That has permeated the team.


Under the Chinook tent and shade of those green tall bushy trees that swayed in the breeze is where I got to know many others on the team and their families.  The other thing that I learned there was that families are extremely important to the rowers – just like my family is so vital to me.  Many of the women and men rowers have children and families that they are managing all while committing to this rigorous training.  It is quite extraordinary.  It was fascinating to pause and reflect on the unique experience that I was part of:  regardless of what the team did in their occupation back home, during this event everyone was just as focused on the racing as an elite athlete.  That was no surprise considering everyone had been seriously training for months for this regatta (which the team does for all its regattas).  It was very social while we were milling about in the protective shade of the tent and trees. Back in college the atmosphere was so intense between races, but here in the “masters world of rowing” it was much more relaxed off the water.  Thus it was enjoyable.  The same observation was shared by some women I met on the team there.  It was a phenomenal organizational feat by Lesleh our leader to put together who was rowing with who and in what events.  Chinook didn’t forfeit one race despite all the racing happening each day with all of us.  I joked that she could be a general in the military and she said Stephen Covey, author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, once told her that too.


The final day of the Championships had another five races in store for me:  mixed 8 (4 women and 4 men), younger 8-man boat, and a mixed 4 (two women and two men).   Our mixed 8 was stroked by Caryn Davies, an extraordinary athlete and highly accomplished 6’ 4’’ lady who won a Silver in the 8-woman boat at the Athens Olympics and Golds in Beijing and London Olympics in the 8-woman boat.   It was an honor to be in her boat.  We won our semifinal and went on to win the final.  After that race, I had the other 8-man boat, but almost all of us had just raced about 30 minutes prior and we placed fourth.  We rowed as hard as we could, but our bodies didn’t have the power that comes from a longer recovery.  Nonetheless, I was proud of our effort since I know not many crews could give it their all in that situation the way we did.  Our mixed 4 semifinal went well and we got through to the final – that last race of the day for Chinook.  The other man in the boat was a fellow former UCLA rower who stroked the boat.  It was a brutal headwind and we fought our way down the course to cross the line with a bronze.   We had been thoroughly drained by the many days of heavy racing.  Medals aside, I felt it was a personal accomplishment to have done what I did with five races in back to back days.  I never had such a draining experience in my years of elite college rowing that was one race a day.


Chinook had also won the trophy for the most points of all the teams entered (based on boats that medaled and get to the final) – a first for this young organization.    It was truly the epitome of team work – which is what rowing is about – working together to accomplish a common goal.   It’s never too late for someone to learn to row and to join a club and, if desired, compete in races.  I feel fortunate to have found Chinook even though my road there was filled with plenty of ups and downs.  But then again that’s life – filled with ups and downs – and rowing certainly prepares one to weather those storms that we all face at various times.


My twin 10-year old daughters come to almost every regatta with my wife and I use my up and down rowing experiences that they witness as “teaching moments”.   I don’t know if they will ever pursue this sport (one loves basketball, the other adores volleyball), but hopefully what they see their dad go through in rowing will help them handle the hurdles of their life journeys.   As one educator I know says, “You can’t prepare the path for your child, but you can prepare your child for the path.”




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